Monday, April 13, 2015

Not What I Expected

 I don't know how much credibility there is to astrology but sometimes I think my Libra sign trips me up.  I always seem to fight a need for balance and order.  These one inch square blocks are distressingly boring to look at and to weave.
 The colors have nothing to do with a high desert sunrise, which was my goal, and look very much like Valentines candy hearts.
 The  two yellows dilute all the colors.
 The yellow washes everything out, while, the pink turns my bright orange into salmon.
 Even my nice bright yellow becomes pastel.  I keep trying to vary the pattern.
 These are my favorite so far.  After the first two boring towels, I gave myself permission to do something different with each towel.

The last towel I started today is just plain stripes - yipes stripes.  I thought this was the 8th out of ten towels but there sure is a lot of warp left on the warp beam.  I'm calling a moratorium on long warps for a while.  I'm tired of being productive and just want to play around and try new things this month.
 I have wanted to weave with handspun yarn for a really long time and this morning I decided the time is now.  I have bins of spun yarn plus this mattress-cover bag, which I originally considered overflow.
After winding warp, I still have this much yarn left and now I'm thinking that a rug might be called for.
This is how I left Arthur when I broke off weaving for today.  I know it looks like a mess but that's because everything is as far removed from Maddie as I could possibly make it.  The interesting thing is that all of  this yarn is from one sheep, our wether Ollie.  That rich chocolate brown is yarn from an early fleece but he's ten now and has grayed out considerably.

Tomorrow is the Tuesday Book Club where we'll be talking about Burial Rites by Hannah Kent.  It should be interesting.

1 comment:

LA said...

What are you going to use for weft for your wool rugs? That is lovely are a lucky shepherd.